A Ready Remnant
Who is the Ready Remnant?
1. The term Ready Remnant refers to a minority within the Body of Christ, who are finding the Grace of God to burn more intensely than they ever have before for the intimacy and callings of God upon their life. The term “ready” is used in the context of the continual work of God’s grace found through Christ Jesus manifesting within the lives of those who find a heart to increasingly co-operate with, and yield to, the ministry of the Holy Spirit. Through this, the Spirit of God is bringing the will of the Father, here in the Earth as in Heaven. Although this remnant is a minority within the Church, its ranks continue to grow significantly. This, of course, is because the work and move of the Holy Spirit continues in the lateness of the hour we are living.
2. Through the work mentioned above, the Ready Remnant are those who are finding the Grace to live within the process of God’s faithful and ongoing work. They are increasingly ready for the challenges of our age and for His coming. They are Over-comers experiencing a growth in hunger and thirst for the plan and purposes of God being revealed to them, and may seem radical in nature to others in the Body of Christ.
3. The Ready Remnant is a minority from across and within the Body of Christ who span denominational and non-denominational churches and fellowships. They understand the fundamental worth and value of weekly church services, yet have become increasingly less than satisfied with the nominal communal experience many weekly church services provide. For these, the Led and Fed dynamic and repetitive weekly format familiar to many modern churches does not fully suffice for what they desire and require in a communal gathering. Their deepening desire requires a growing depth of intimacy, and an increasing sense of His purpose within and through their life.
4. The Ready Remnant understands the importance of having a demand placed upon what the Holy Spirit is producing within them, as well as within others. As they grow in obediently offering their spiritual sacrifices though the unction (passion/zeal) of the Holy Spirit within, they also learn to see, appreciate and gain from the Spirit inspired spiritual sacrifices of others. This is the heart of a Prayer Room as well as the truth spoken of in 1 Peter 2: 5 – “lively stones being built up as a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, given to offer spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God through Jesus Christ”
5. It is our belief at Eastgate House of Prayer and within Matthias Ministries that the Ready Remnant described in no small way exists in parallel relationship to decreased attendance within many local churches and increase of Prayer Rooms beginning to flourish worldwide. We believe this is attributable to the dynamic communal paradigm of a Prayer Room purposed to encourage the move of the Holy Spirit within ALL gathered. The encouragement of those gathered is for the purpose of seeing spiritual sacrifices (link to examples), yielded decently and in order, within an atmosphere of worship and without the usual constraints of time. The last two sentences serve as a definition, according to our vision and those of others, of how a Prayer Room is meant to function.
How Did, and Does, the Ready Remnant Come to Exist?
1. The Ready Remnant exists as a result of God’s faithfulness through the Holy Spirit to His people.
2. Invariably, the people of God who possess the heart of a Ready Remnant do so as Kingdom minded people who have learned to pray for such a heart. A “Ready Remnant heart” is something which is continually sought and prayed for because it is evidenced by a continual growth of submission and sanctification across time. It is literally impossible to enjoy the intimacies in answering the call of God upon one’s life without undergoing aspects of ongoing transformation.
The Importance of a Ready Remnant that is Here to Stay
1. We know there is not one of us who is not flawed, and that God is no respecter of person-hood. Yet, God absolutely does acknowledge the heart that learns to burn for Him. David is a flawed, but perfect, example of one who God moved through greatly with uncommon power and purpose. God called David “a man after His own heart”. David exemplified the tripartite manner of prophet, priest and king that every New Testament believer is called to (although not necessarily in the “office” of). As the king who offered various spiritual sacrifices within “David’s Tent”, David taught others, along with us, the same.
2. Amazingly, and spoken of twice within New and Old Testament Scripture, the particular paradigm of “David’s tent” is what God says He will restore and rebuild “in that day”. Obviously, David’s Tent was much more than a mere tent to God. Its importance was in the “what and how” it offered what it did to God. The spiritual sacrifices offered before God’s Presence in that tent were part of the particular paradigm of worship yielded in spirit and truth that Jesus tells us Father continually seeks.
3. The Ready Remnant finds itself at home within the modern-day Prayer Room that is inspired by the important example of David’s Tent. Moreover, something that all those who have an ear should hear, consider and not forget is the promise of God to raise up David’s Tent.