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Welcome to the Matthias Ministries Website!

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The Prophetic Word Becomes Reality

This is the rebirth of our original website that has

wonderfully fulfilled several prophetic words spoken about it.

Such a statement calls for at least a brief explanation.


Over a period of two years a number of respected and well known ministers

spoke the same amazing prophetic word over Matthias Ministries.

Independently, and unknowingly of each other, they clearly spoke of

Matthias Ministries becoming a "global ministry". 


It was a word that was admittedly very difficult to believe.

Nevertheless, even before accurate website analytics were available, pastors, ministers and church leadership from several continents began to contact us. 

It was through their seeking of resources and instruction about the "Harp and Bowl" worship paradigm that Matthias Ministries has been growing in since 1999,

that we first began seeing prophetic words spoken over this ministry become reality.


Analytics Begin to Show a Beautiful Hunger and Thirst

Today, through the analytic data that enables us to see and understand visits to this site,

we are seeing an explosive growth that spans six Continents, most of the United States,

and thousands of people.  We believe what we are witnessing underscores a Spirit fueled hunger and thirst for the deep that calls out to deep within hearts of passionate worshipers.


A Hope for Future Growth

Because we believe the Lord may have continued use of it,

our intention is to restore much of what was on the original website within this site.

Our hope is for this new website to grow as a corporate resource, as we continue to

endeavor in the "making the vision plain".


Something of True End-time Importance

We are persuaded of the importance of the spirit and truth Jesus tells us Father seeks

is found powerfully within the Spirit inspired aspect of Harp and Bowl worship.

 We believe Purpose in His Presence is found as those He calls

as a chosen and royal priesthood learn to obediently offer their Spiritual Sacrifices,

as spoken of in 1 Peter 2:5.

It is within the communal gathering of God's people, His Word instructs us to not forsake,

that we see the strength, importance and purpose of Harp and Bowl worship

for His people and Church in these late times.


A Request for Patience and Prayer

It is doubtful anyone will cover the entirety of this website in even several visits.

Yet, it is offered as a resource and a tool for others.

Our prayer is that others will continue patiently plumbing the depths this growing website.


We ask that you would consider joining us in prayer concerns mentioned above,

and for the fullness of the Lord's purpose for this ministry to be an increasing reality.


We welcome your feedback through any of the "Contact Matthias Ministries" boxes

found throughout the website.


Finally, we welcome and deeply appreciate the offering and love gifts

given by those willing to help us the giving portals at the top of this Website.

Every offering received is carefully applied to toward building the Kingdom we live for.


May God Bless you. 

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Matthias Ministries

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