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Do you believe that you, or another you know,
is a good fit to co-labor with Matthias Ministries?
From our inception Matthias Ministries has always understood that God's greatest treasure "is hidden in earthen vessels". One of the greatest blessings we have been given are hearts that treasure God's great treasure in people. Our love for souls, and for ourselves as we co-laborer together, has served as both the basis for our ministry to the Body of Christ, and has been that which under-girds the Matthias Ministries family internally.
Amos 3:3 asks "unless two be agreed how can they walk together"? We understand the indispensable importance of unity in the purpose of God, and hold such in high regard, as it pertains to the vision we share and which defines our Kingdom efforts.
Our ministry name is always spoken in a plural sense for a reason. There are, and have always been, many roles and places of ministry service within Matthias Ministries. Opportunities across a wide spectrum have always found a healthy home within Matthias. A few examples are:
Technical Services
Intercessory Prayer
General Helps
Music Ministry
The Arts and Media Arts
A variety of other ministerial expressions have also find fruitful place within our ministry family.
Matthias Ministries is a regional endeavor across the Long Island area. This means people from across the region, and across numerous church families, have played constructive parts in this powerful and unique ministry.
We ask that you would spend time in prayer after considering the vision presented in this website. After doing so, or if you've experienced our ministry elsewhere, and you are interested in taking part in this ministry, we would be delighted to hear from you. Reach out via one of the many contact areas this within this website and we will reply with the information needed to understand the criteria for different aspects of ministry with us.
Next: "The Matthias Ministries Mission Statement"
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