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His Purpose in His Presence

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For many years as a worship leader in my worship experience I have been content to bask in His presence and glory. Many can relate.


Yet, there came a day when I heard His invitation to seek a deeper realm in Him. It was an invitation to begin to truly seek the heart of the One whose beauty I was content to this point to only adore.


We are about to consider how seeking His Purpose in His Presence is the gift within corporate worship that more fully allows us to apprehend that which He has apprehended us for.

Whether worshiping by myself, alongside others or as a leader, my desire and focus has been on seeking His presence. The more profound and deeper His presence the better. This is also the measure of worship within many churches who comprehend success - how richly His presence is sensed in their midst.

All who truly worship, and who know the experience of intimacy with God, understand the insatiable hunger for the glory of His presence. This is a basic reality. Nevertheless, we are about to consider something ahead that is beyond a "basic reality” in regard to His presence. We will go beyond contemplating the awesome presence of God as primarily what we yearn for, and make the case for His PURPOSE in His Presence in a way that may stretch souls. The revelation we are about to consider has both stretched my own soul and has changed my experience in worship over the last few years.

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His Faithfulness in Every Season

For the sake of context, it is helpful to consider a brief description of the wonderful worship experience Matthias Ministries began facilitating years ago known as “An Evening of Hosting the Holy Spirit”. Significant time and preparation of heart have always gone into these beautiful evenings that bring worshipers from far and wide into one accord through worship, prayer and testimony. Most memorable is how faithful the Holy Spirit has always been to move in gentle power upon the hearts gathered during these opportunities. It is common to hear those who have spent hours seeking His presence in the Harp and Bowl worship format during these times speak of the fruit that remains from them. In spite of a significant hiatus, due to the passing of one very dear within our ministry and lengthened by a world-wide pandemic, we hope to see these wonderful gatherings occur again. Yet, the description of the Evening of Hosting the Holy Spirit is given to help set the foundation and context of what follows.


It was during the quiet reflective hours after these beautiful evenings that the Lord began placing a life defining question within me. What started as a gentle whisper that provoked a few thoughts, began growing into an urgency that became impossible to ignore. His question seemed to demand an answer that eluded me. An extended season of wrestling through a process of discernment followed and began to eclipse the ministry that had been at the center of my life. Have you ever noticed how uniquely God can speak through the contrast of seasonal changes in life? As the ministry founder it became prudent for Matthias Ministries to cease moving ahead until clarity came.


Next Chapter: “What God Seeks

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