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What God Seeks

But the hour is coming, and now is,

when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth;

for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.

John 4:23


There is a substance and a reality God seeks in our worship that originates outside of ourselves. Jesus has caused us to know that provision is found in Himself, and by His Spirit.

While speaking to the Samaritan woman in John 4:23 Jesus makes it clear that what Father seeks is our worship, and that such must be in spirit and truth. Much can be said about spirit and truth, and we will delve into this more deeply elsewhere in this website.

Yet, our focus right here must begin first with considering God’s desire to seek worshipers, and why worship is so important to Him.


We can begin with the simple truth that God is complete within Himself in every way. There is absolutely no lack in Him. In spite of His desire for us, God is in no need of our worship or anything else we can give. So why then does the Father, who is the very source of all that is needed and desirable, seek and desire our worship? Some of us fall short here in our understanding of why God seeks and desires worshipers. Some believe His desire is based upon the fact He is fully worthy of our worship. Yes, of course, this is true. Nevertheless, Father’s reason for seeking and desiring our worship is much deeper than our worship being due Him.


A Branch cannot exist without the Vine and a Lamb is lost without the Shepherd


As the ultimate loving Giver, it is primarily for our benefit that God chose to create us with hearts fashioned for the worship He seeks. Worship is the great privilege Father extends to His children that enables us draw closer to Him as the ultimate source of everything we’ve been created to need. We are the branch that cannot exist without the vine and the lamb lost without our Shepherd. Simply put, God’s chief desire to bring the essential gifts of His provision to all is most fully met in the lives of those who answer worship’s call to intimacy. The opportunity and privilege to worship Him is among the most profound expressions of His love for us. This great love demands a response, and it is the substance of our response that becomes the basis of our worship. This brings us to a great question at the heart of His purpose in His presence. Of all the things God gives us, what gift do you suppose He desires to give us most of all?





Some believe God’s greatest gift to us Salvation. But, Salvation is what actually prepares us to receive His greatest gift. It provokes tears to say that His greatest gift is the gift of Himself.


To some Salvation is being saved from Satan and the unthinkable reality of Hell. Yet, much greater is our being saved unto God and His unimaginable Glory. 


And, the great gift “of Himself” is expressed in that which defines Him best…His Glory.

God desires to give and fill us with His glory! Jesus alone is the full radiance of God’s glory (Hebrews 1:3). Yet, it is as we each receive unique aspects (parts, portions) of His glory, that God has fashioned us to hold, that He fulfills His mission of Redemption to mankind. That mission, of course, is one of bringing us into the likeness of the Son who was filled without measure.


God has purposed for us to be conduits of His glory that He shines out through into this world. He does so according to the measure our lives unto Him will allow. Make no mistake, the portion of His glory meant to shine through each of us is determined by how we yield to the exchanged life with Christ by which we are conformed to His image.


Surely the glory of his His redemptive heart, by which Jesus is the greatest gift of God's love, is something He desires to impart to us. What greater desire could He have than for us to see through eyes that behold the value others through the glory of His own redemptive nature?  There is no doubt that seeing and being His glory will always lead us into a greater love for Him and others.


For those who desire more, resources devoted to a greater understanding of His manifold glory lay ahead within this website. It is as we seek the "more in God", and find greater aspects of His Purpose in His Presence, that we increasingly grow into the image of the One who alone is the full radiance of God's glory.


Amazingly, what we are given to SEE we are meant to BE...for He has destined us to become aspects of the beauty we behold in Him.




                                                         Next: “Seeing His Glory, and Being his Glory

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