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and Being
His Glory
Because it is an ever unfolding revelation, few hold a reasonable understanding of God's glory.
No claim is made here to owning a comprehensive understanding, and it is our belief that such is a relative impossibility given the awesome nature of His glory and our finite comprehension.
Nevertheless, there is more to comprehend than many of may have considered thus far.
It was while waiting upon God’s help to finish making plain this important portion of "His Purpose in His Presence" I was blessed to hear a local Pastor teach about His glory on social media. The context of this brother’s message was based upon Moses’ experience beholding a portion of God’s glory in the cleft of the rock (Exodus 33:22). His message was based upon our need to SEE the glory of God. It is indeed crucial as well as beautiful to behold aspects of God's glory. Yet, It was what was missing in that message which defines what will bring us to a close here, and prepare us for "The Sound of Heaven" ahead in this website.
There is a huge difference between the worshiper today and the great first worshiper Abraham. Our great forefathers knew the presence of God that went before and after them, and we are humbled by their great obedience and provoked to aspire to their example. Yet, unlike them, we know the reality of God living WITHIN us. That difference came through the Cross on Calvary and later at Pentecost when the Lord’s promise to us was fulfilled. The glory our forefathers saw we now in part possess. As He is, we are becoming! The revelation that has hopefully been made clear in “The Purpose of His Presence” is that while we absolutely need to seek and behold His glory, we are ultimately called, each in our part, to actually “be reflectors of His glory” within the Earth. See "Glory Conduits" and "Growing in Radiance" in the "Resources" section of this website for more,
Pray it
His presence delights our heart, comforts our soul and is our blessed assurance throughout life's trials and challenges. Yet there is more, much more, in regard to His purpose in His presence with us.
The "more" has everything to do with the beautiful gift of repentance that allows growth in His chief purpose of bringing us into the likeness of Christ.
This has everything to do with our asking, seeking and knocking after the key to our destiny...His purpose.
Our deepest worship is often found in the asking of our prayers, the seeking of His heart and knocking through the faith of our obedience as His whisper is discerned. This apprehending of that for which He has apprehended us (Philippians 3:12) is found as we co-operate with the work of the Holy Spirit in seeking His purpose in His presence. In "The Sound of Heaven" ahead we will consider this great purpose as His desire for us to bring the reality of Himself to a dying world. We will see His intention for through our learning to radiate aspects of His glory via our testimonies of Christ which the Word calls "the spirit of prophecy.
Yet, before moving forward, consider contemplating the "Seven Truths of His Purpose in His Presence" that close this portion of the Matthias Ministries website. Moreover, take time to pray about what you have read here. Ask Him about what has taken time, effort and love to reveal, and see if He might also speak that same question to your heart: “you do well in seeking My Presence, yet will you seek My Purpose in it?”