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Essential Stillness

Struggling to hear through a difficult season of discernment can leave us unsure if we are waiting on God, or He upon us.


It was with the remembrance of an important truth that peace began to come.


Sometimes it is during the busiest seasons of life, or ministry, where the better choice is found in embracing a stillness that we might otherwise resist in order to wait upon Him.

The wise example set by Mary, the sister of Martha in Luke 10: 38-42, comes to mind in regard to our choice of being with Jesus over what we do for Him. This familiar parable helps to show how personal convictions of heart are not always understood by others. Choosing the best can be easier on a personal level than when co-laboring in ministry with others. This important truth becomes evident when the choice of embracing stillness appears as an ill-advised laying aside of responsibilities others may perceive as important. Obviously, the example set by Mary is the one we need to grasp as we learn to value the stillness required to more fully receive revelation He desires to impart. The true worshiper will always know these quiet Selah moments and seasons throughout life where His whisper is easiest to hear.



A Life



God writes indelibly upon the human heart. His people. Apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers and evangelists would rarely have pursued His call into ministry if not true.


Through the events of life He allows, whether significant trials or wonderful blessings, these indelible experiences are meant to leave a mark.

Thank God for these lifetime marks, for they are the testimonies He gives us that shape the eternal within us.

Each of them, even those that may leave us with a limp like Jacob's (Genesis 32: 30-31), speak about the redemptive nature of God’s heart. It was through my own process of wrestling with the need for clarity during that quiet season that God began to open my understanding. Although not audible to my ear, He faithfully brought perfect clarity to what my spirit was yearning to comprehend. His question became as unmistakably simple as it was profound. It is unforgettable and has never ceased to unfold. All I could hear for that powerful season was “you do well in seeking My Presence, yet will you seek My Purpose in it?”




                                                              Next: "What God Seeks"

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