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The Sound  of  Heaven


He Begins With A Sound

Let’s begin with a simple truth.


From Genesis to the book of Revelation scripture highlights the importance of sound in the plan and purpose of God.


From speaking Creation into existence, to the trumpet blasts of Revelation, God has ordained sound to precede or accompany major events throughout Scripture.

Examples of sounds from Heaven are specific and numerous. Yet, there is also a sound of Heaven revealed directly and indirectly. The sound from speaks to that which emanates from the realm of Heaven itself. Yet, the Sound of Heaven, not unlike the cry “come Lord Jesus” at the end of His Word, emanates from the Earth toward Heaven. It culminates as the testimony of the Bride who longs for her Groom, and is part of the groan of “the whole creation” that labors with birth pangs (Romans 8:22). We will make the case for the Sound of Heaven as being the great bridal response of the Church that Scripture shows is destined to increase in power throughout the Earth and precede His return.


We pray that you will be drawn to see and understand how the Sound of Heaven is a divinely orchestrated fabric that is woven from the testimonies of the Redeemed. Moreover, may we comprehend the foundational role of our own testimony in steadfastly loving Jesus, as well as its crucial role in the culmination of God’s plan and purpose for mankind.  


A Crucial

Our purpose here is to make clear the Matthias Ministries vision and pray that it will bring increased understanding to a crucial responsibility all Christians share. 


In doing so, we will explore what we maintain is less than fully understood and too seldom encouraged, taught or preached regarding the absolutely essential power of the testimony of Christ.

Our ministry focus has been upon a vision that has increased in clarity and relevance over several years. Through our discussion ahead we will work to write the vision referred to as “The Sound of Heaven” clearly.


Jesus assured us that there are specific people who our Heavenly Father seeks (John 4:23). It is a sober thought to consider the remnant He seeks may be more uncommon than we might like to believe. Surely these are true worshipers learning to live in the spirit and truth of an ever-expanding testimony, who touch their world for Christ by walking out their lives as living epistles. Touching the lives of others helps to ensure the active growth of their love for Him who always loves us first. From personal life expressions of trusting God, to the passionate adoration of a Bride for her Groom, these are Christians compelled to offer their testimonies and the witness of His faithfulness through hearts of gratitude. Unfortunately, at least for now, they are as rare as one given to sacrifice their Alabaster box. Even within the Church that bears His name, the minority given to yield their testimonies of Him are as the one in ten lepers who returned to give thanks. Nevertheless, there is good news. Blessed change is coming.


Each of our testimonies are part of the fabric and unfolding plan of God we call the Sound of Heaven. Our testimony should continually increase within as a growing response to the increasing revelation of Him across time. How can lost souls be reached without the testimony of Christ? Are not the workers needed for the Harvest which Jesus commands us to pray for (Luke 10:2) given to the testimony of Christ? The is simply to say that at present the ability of the Church to yield His testimony is neither a completed work or something which exists in its full potential. Still, a sober question remains. To what degree is the Sound of Heaven finding a place in and through us? 


It is good for us to stop and honestly ask ourselves, “Am I as one of these Father is still seeking?” Do I yield a transparent testimony that transforms the thinking and lives of others? Does this describe me? Am I a sought after one? Do I see growth in this aspect of my walk with Him? Many of us, self-included, might agree there is always room for improvement. The great news is that there is remedy and you are in a good place to find it here.



                                     Next: "So, Exactly What is a Testimony  - And What is Yours?"

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