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Examples of Testimony

(a few of many)

The Testimony of Bearing Fruit

​This powerful testimony is one that every mature and growing Christian has and should never forget grows as we grow in Him.


  • Fruit that is seen is a result of the root that is not seen. God alone is responsible for the fruit in our life that others see. An unredeemed mind tends to take credit for personal gains as well as give credit to others for the same. Yet, the Christian knows EVERY good thing in us begins above and not within. Jesus never commanded us to produce fruit knowing all we can do co-operate with His faithfulness. This truth makes it easy for us to glorify God for the good others see in us and that is growing in us.


  • It is the soul willing to testify of the faithfulness of God, for what He has done, that holds a heart willing to magnify the unseen root.


  • Each of our testimonies is literally a gift from God. Fruit within our lives is there by the faithful work of the Holy Spirit who teaches and guides us.


  • It is wise to take honest looks back through our life history, along with a fair assessment of where we are today. Doing so highlights fruit that we may have begun taking for granted or even forgotten about. This is a great place for gratitude to grow and prepares us to communicate His faithful attention upon us to others.


  • Pride easily ruins the testimony of fruitfulness. It does so by destroying the willingness needed to embrace the transparency that makes this testimony so powerful to others.


  • A vital key in our testimony of personal fruit is honest transparency offered out of a humble soul. Another vital key is wisdom and discernment in understanding who is a reasonable audience for our testimony.


  • Click "Obstacles to the Testimony of Bearing Fruit" for more.



I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abides in me, and I in him,

the same  bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.

John 15:5

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The Testimony of Answered Prayer

This testimony is probably the one held as most suspect by the unredeemed mind. Yet, it can easily be one of the easiest to teach others who do not have a proper understanding of God’s heart for us.


  • Testimonies of gratitude for answered prayer may be among the most compelling and relatable aspect of our witness to others who have yet to comprehend His faithfulness.


  • Because the mature Christian understands that God knows our needs better than we do, and that His ways are higher than ours, we know that His answer to our prayers does not mean us receiving all, or exactly what, we ask for. Our trust in Him as we wait, and as we receive His answers, is an invaluable teaching tool for others.


  • Our Testimonies of answered prayers through real-life trials and needs can be among the most relevant and relatable to others. This aspect of our testimony should grow throughout our walk along the revelation of His perfect faithfulness.


  • Unfortunately, it can be easy for many of us to forget God’s faithfulness in regard to answered prayer. Time has its way of allowing crisis and once important issues we have prayed about to fade from memory. Many find keeping a journal a helpful tool in this regard. Some pray for the Holy Spirit to quicken remembrances to our heart and mind.


  • Click "Obstacles to the Testimony of Answered Prayer" for more.



And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do,

that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

John 14:13

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The Testimony of Contentment in Him

 Life’s trials and storms always seem to gain the focus of the natural mind. Yet, believers know the blessing of fixing our focus upon the Lord in the midst of life’s storms as He brings peace and enables us to overcome. The believer’s testimony of peace through trial is not only a truly powerful witness, it has always been one the world cannot ignore.


  • There is a peace that is meant to go beyond understanding in the lives of His people. Our contentment exists as a result of our trust in Him and is meant to shine brightly in a dark and darkening world. This aspect of testimony was the foundation of the early Church, and it will only increase into the Harvest ahead.


  • The Lord’s admonition to “not allow our lamps to remain hidden under a bushel” is an admonition to not hide the light meant to illuminate the hope only He can be in a darkening world. This alone is a perfect reason why our testimonies of contentment should be planted firmly in our hearts and communicated to others.


  • Those who are grateful of heart and prepared to minister their testimonies of contentment in Christ will find doors of opportunity divinely opened before them. There may be no other form of testimony that can lay claim to this unique opportunity as our testimonies of contentment in Christ.


  • Testimonies of contentment edify and point to life based upon trusting God.


  • Click "Obstacles to the Testimony of Contentment in Him" for more.



I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound:

everywhere and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry,

both to abound and to suffer need.

I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.

Philippians 4:12-13


Our Testimony of Power to Overcome Sin

As walking epistles, this particular testimony might easily be the “chapter” the unredeemed mind finds most interesting. This undoubtedly is due to others being able to relate in the bondage of their own sin. In sharing examples of this testimony we must be careful to glorify Him, and the power of His deliverance, well more than the pleasures of sin itself.



  • Every soul has fallen short of the mark, and has known the reality of going astray from following after God and living rightly before Him. Yet, the believer knows “as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name” (John 1:12) and that we can become the over-comers He seeks.


  • As we shed the false garments of a religious spirit, and become humble and transparent before others, we can begin to experience His anointing upon our testimony of power over sin and bring breakthrough to the lives of others currently bound in the sin once familiar to us.


  • This aspect of testimony may be the greatest we can ever know and share. Yet, it would be ignorant to suppose such is easy. Anything short of tested and true humility can prove why an “Alabaster Box testimony” is not only so powerful, but also all too rare.


We began our brief study of testimony types with the observation that some types of testimony have power to endure unlike others. Nothing underscores this truth more that the powerful beauty of true humility and honest transparency Jesus commended the “Alabaster Box woman” of Luke 12:9 for-And truly, I say to you, wherever the gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.”


  • Click "Obstacles to the Testimony of Power to Overcome Sin" for more.



But as many as received Him,

to them gave He power to become the sons of God,

even to them who believe in His name

John 1:12



May the Testimony of Him Through Us Reflect the Victory He Is For Us



Next: "The Matthias Prayer Model"

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