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Five Worship Paradigms of EHOP

1. Worship in the Word


a. In this format all are encouraged to bring Scripture as we gather. Whether a single verse or a chapter, the point is to bring something that is, or has  been, speaking life into you personally.          

Our personal life Scriptures are also a good example of what should be brought.


b. These Scriptures will be displayed on the Prayer Room monitors to help us remain focused and in one accord in our reading and declaring of the Word.


c. We will dwell upon each Scripture long enough to allow time for SHORT prayers, BRIEF prophetic declarations and the worship response each Scripture may bring.


d. Our final moments will be used to allow for revelation and spiritual insight that may have risen out of the time spent in His Word together.


e. You will find a free pamphlet library located in the Outer Court area that targets a growing list of prayer concerns. Each pamphlet is dedicated to at least one prayer concern and offers a number of Scriptures related to that topic. Our hope in making this and other helps available is that our prayer might be increasingly founded upon not only those things that move heart and soul, but also our spirit through Scripture itself.


2. Testimony and Worship


a.  This Harp and Bowl interactive format is based upon SHORT personal testimonies and the responsive worship they can bring forth.


b. Our testimonies are meant to edify, teach and encourage others as well as allow ourselves to be better understood and loved by our brethren. We encourage  testimonies from any point in your walk to be shared. Yet, especially good and God glorifying are those testimonies of how He is moving NOW, or recently, in our life or within the lives of those He has given us to love.


c. We suggest that testimonies are written out, or at least summarized, if such helps them to remain reasonably short (approximately 2 or 3 minutes). This is said simply because it is crucial to not crowd out the real-time and spontaneous worship response we hope for.

Harp and Bowl is meant to enable ALL who are present respond in one accord to the attributes of God a testimony points to.


3. Harp & Bowl Affirmation of the Prophetic Word


a.  This format purposes to build the Kingdom within the life of brethren. We encourage all to share the specific prophetic words that have been prophesied over themselves, loved ones, or those spoken over our society or Nation. If helpful in keeping them to a reasonable time span of approximately 2-3 minutes these prophetic words should be written out, or perhaps summarized beforehand.


b. God speaks from an unchanging heart in regard to His plans and purposes for us. Prophetic words aren’t given to us with expiration dates because of the importance of our obedient response to any conditional aspect of the word spoken over us as well as constraints of process that God works through. Nevertheless, a believer must learn to overcome challenges that come with waiting in faith upon His promises to unfold.


c.  It is for this reason that we endeavor to re-affirm, under-gird and strengthen those who have transparently and openly shared their prophetic word through the spontaneous intercession of our worship and prayer.


4.  Assembly of Gratitude and Thanksgiving


a.  We ask all who would come to this thanksgiving filled assembly to arrive with  at least one SPECIFIC reason for their gratitude and heart to give thanks.


b.  Our hope is for each to remain open to giving voice to their reason for being grateful (such as a short prayer or testimony). Singing communal songs of praise is needful and important, but such does not diminish the importance of our being specific in praise. 


c.  As we spontaneously worship in the variety of music, declarations and Scripture that Harp and Bowl allows for, our intention is to genuinely enter His courts with specific praise and thanksgiving.


d. We hope for the Holy Spirit to strengthen, restore and reveal whatever He will in this time of high praise.


5.  Spontaneous Harp and Bowl


a.  Although this format is largely influenced by the particular worship ministry present, our aim is to come to these times with absolutely no personal agenda or presumption other than one of encountering His faithfulness in our midst.


b. Our hope in putting aside and guidelines except for an interactive dance between prayer, worship, declarations and His Word is for our time to unfold with a sense of DISCOVERY. May the Lord have His way  through our obedience to the unction of His Spirit.


c. As our hope for His Presence may be realized, we may reserve the final 30 minutes or so for any, or all, to share how Holy Spirit has spoken or used  well spent time together.

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