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The Importance of “How”


Again, and as simply and powerfully as possible, we believe that 2023 contains the very promise that 2022 has prepared us for. Across the seasons that are now behind us He has been working by His Spirit within those blessed and called to love Him. The fruit of His faithfulness can be seen in our need and desire for more of His Presence. The more we know Him the more we yearn for His glorious Presence.


If you clicked your way here via Facebook you may remember reading: “The one who comes to understand the nature of His process, and learns the wisdom of waiting upon the Builder, must also understand the importance of “how one waits.” It was also mentioned that “how” involves something more than waiting in Patience, Faith, Hope and Peace. As crucial as these are in their importance, we cannot overlook the importance of our Obedience as it concerns following the Holy Spirit.


The Importance of Obedience, and the Key to Finding and Obedient Heart


The crucial “how” that has been mentioned centers upon a heart that enables the soul of one’s will to grow in obedience. But, if honest, the obstacle many of us encounter is a heart that lacks the passion needed for such. Still, God remains faithful to make a way. Matthias has seen, perhaps more truthfully been persuaded of, how important the corporate gathering that our ministry has been called to is meant to be “as that day approaches”. We, among others, have already experientially begun to touch the tip of what we know is an iceberg in regard to how the Holy Spirit desires to move and work within the Body of Christ within the corporate gatherings we are admonished to not ignore.


The Importance of His Purpose in His Presence


For decades our unique worship ministry has known the blessings of seeking and finding the riches of His Presence. Yet, we’ve come to understand that He desires more for us than loving, appreciating and glorying in His Presence, for He is unfolding a greater aspect of His Presence. Beyond His wonderful promise to never leave us, as sure as deep calls out to deep there is a divinely powerful and specific Purpose in His Presence.


Such has always been true in the private intimacy we each share with Him in our Secret Place. Yet, we believe the Church is standing before a door to greater intimacy God has readied for assemblies who gather corporately in one accord to walk through. Passing through this door will confirm the close relationship between the intimacy we long for, and the obedience God measures our love by. Beyond what old time preachers called a believers meeting, we are beginning to see the Holy Spirit move within the corporate gathering of those who not only hunger for His Presence but are growing in willingness to respond to His Purpose in His Presence among us.


We are destined to Respond to the Glory we once Only Longed to See.


There is a depth of liberty that the Body of Christ has yet to walk in that belongs to every believer who welcomes the Spirit of God. This, again, goes to the center of “how” we are to wait upon the Holy Spirit. As new hearts learn to trust and yield to obedience of responding to the unction of the Holy Spirit, the great Purpose in His Presence can become knowable, and moreover transformative to others.


Over the last several years the Lord has called Matthias to hear, ponder and learn how we are to discover, and yield to, His Purpose in His Presence as we wait upon Him. The profound substance of what He has been faithful to reveal and unfold is what we hope to see flourish in the new Eastgate House of Prayer.


The expression of our obedience as we wait upon the Lord will no longer merely be that of ministry to, or the leading and feeding of, the hungry who gather. It will be an obedience of ministry unto Him over ministry unto His Body. Please understand, while this may sound foreign, strange or even un-Scriptural to some, it is actually that which He intends to use to strengthen, mature and unite the Body of Christ.


Our Vision of How We Are to Move


For all of the reasons spoken of to this point we do NOT seek gatherings of followers who are given to follow leaders. We seek an army of “father-hearted leaders” who are given to increasingly understand what it means to follow the Holy Spirit in co-operation for the purpose of revealing (understanding) and responding (in obedience) to God’s Purpose in His Presence. The evidence and lasting fruit of this is seen in the growth of the Holy Spirit’s expression …through every “who-soever” who finds a heart to obediently respond to the prophetic unction of His Spirit.


In closing, Matthias Ministries believes the corporate exercise of what has been spoken of here is:

  1. a significant part of, and preparatory to, that which enables the Church’s demonic overcoming testimony of

  2. what calls the “spirit of prophecy” – which is the believer’s testimony of Jesus Christ.


This Spirit inspired and led response to His Presence is what we call the “Sound of Heaven”, and we believe it shall continue to resonate by the Spirit increasingly as That Day approaches.


Should your own spirit resonate to what we’ve endeavored to speak clearly here, then please consider this YOUR INVITATION to come visit as well as partake in all the Lord purposes to do … in and through the Eastgate House of Prayer.


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