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What is an "Evening of Hosting the Holy Spirit"?
This purpose of this special evening is to seek a communal, yet intimate, encounter with the Holy Spirit. For some it is a time where prayer, fasting and preparation of heart culminate toward the Lord's purpose being manifest in our gathering. For others it is a powerful and unique time of finding and sharing in His presence communally, outside of the mainstream experience. Our hope is that as we assemble in a communal atmosphere of worship that the hearing and discerning of His voice might increasingly move our hearts to that which moves His heart.
We fully understand that our gathering together, and efforts of preparation, in no way obligates the Holy Spirit's presence. Yet, we have found His faithful desire to meet with us to be very real, and His manner of moving among us very diverse. A good host is one who endeavors to create a desirable environment for his or her guest. It is for this purpose we ask you to consider joining us in praying for, and perhaps fasting toward, our future times together in Him. He surely is "a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him" (Hebrews 11:6)
The Matthias Ministries format for this Evening:
(this is a general format, there are no rules or "formula")
A Brief Introduction:
We understand the importance of not interrupting the flow of His Spirit. Therefore, we dispense with any interruptions after having taken a few minutes at the outset of the meeting to greet the congregation, and allow those assembled to greet each other. At the outset we let people know where they leave an offering should they so desire, as well as will briefly explain briefly explain:
1. The format we expect will lie ahead
2. The three roles present (Harp, Bowl and Segment/Prayer Moderator)
2. The "Two Minute Rule"
3. The general intercessory focus, if there is one, for the evening.
A Corporate Prelude
We begin with praise and worship. Because the evening is unrehearsed and unscripted, worship in the musical sense" is spontaneous and can range from familiar songs to spiritual songs. This is often a time, not unlike what most experience within a Sunday morning service in that no interaction is initially sought from those gathered. During this time we hope to set an environment which allows all to begin to focus upon the Lord, and to seek His heart toward the responsive and interactive experience we hope to transition to. The evening is usually marked by a sense of discovery in regard to how His presence manifests. Matthias Ministries has typically experienced 70 to 150 people in attendance for these evenings. Although the congregation is usually very diverse in regard to generation, race and specific church affiliation, those who attend are hungry and passionate worshipers who are genuinely desire for a deeper communal worship experience.
A Transition of Focus
At some point after our time of initial worship we will transition into a period where the Harp (music minsters) begins to focus intently on those gathered (Bowl). Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty (2 Corinthians 3:17). Our hope here is that worshipers will begin to find and increasingly move in the liberty that belongs to all of us in His Spirit. It is here we find the importance of worship leaders, who are often familiar with "leading" other in the classical church model, to seek what the Holy Spirit desires to bring forth through the Body of Christ. As His people begin to pray, share testimony and read from the Word the desire of the Harp must be to resonate to the Bowl. This response undergirds and strengthens the Body as we seek Him in the power of one accord within instrumental worship and prophetic songs. During this period you may not recognize specific songs or melodies, as we seek to prophetically minister a worshipful atmosphere that is not meant to strongly, or verbally, direct you in a particular direction. For some this is a time of "soaking", yet our hope is for you to identify the Prophetic Word, Scripture, Exhortation, Testimony, Psalm, Hymn, Spiritual Song, or Prayer the Holy Spirit may whisper within. We purpose to facilitate a meditative time where all can listen, discern, read and ponder the Word in the hope of allowing the Holy Spirit to speak within. Isaiah said "now bring me a minstrel." And it came about, when the minstrel played, that the hand of the Lord came upon him (2 Kings 3:15).
Making Room for Spiritual Sacrifices
As we transition into our time of Harp and Bowl ministry our Prayer Moderator will take a seat next to lectern which signifies that the microphone has now been turned on. Should you sense a conviction to share and give voice openly to what is upon your heart, this is your opportunity to assemble in the row of seats directly behind the Prayer Moderator. We allow and encourage those gathered to be sensitive and obedient to the Holy Spirit. This is a beautiful and safe place where that which cannot be taught is often caught in the experience of it all. If you have a sense of being obedient in bringing forth a love offering to Him we only ask such is appropriate and in keeping with the worship model we've described.
Gentle Leadership
A pastorally hearted "segment leader" helps to facilitate the interaction that has just been described in an orderly manner that works with the spirit of worship. This leader also stays near the podium to gently help very passionate people not go on excessively. Should there be too much within to express within the several minutes we try to observe, all are encouraged to return after allowing others to participate. The segment leader also opens and closes access to the lectern throughout the evening in conjunction with one or more of the worship leaders present.
We understand that many have been conditioned through a "Led and Fed" model of communal church gatherings to only observe the liberties accorded to the leadership within their church. Those who have only experienced this aspect of communal worship experience require a period of growth to understand their own liberty in Him within the Harp and Bowl paradigm. Nevertheless, through patience, sensitivity and love Matthias Ministries has seen remarkable growth in brethren, as well as in more than a few local churches who have embraced this beautiful worship paradigm. Those who come to understand it know it can be closer to the early Church model of worship, and more New Testament in nature than they might have otherwise imagined.
Before closing it must be stressed that we desire to hear Him, not merely through gifts and talents of those who are bold and strong in Him. It has been our wonderful experience to know those who would rarely feel competent or compelled to share to break a beautiful Alabaster box in the transparency and humility that the Lord treasures. It is crucial that those given to Harp and Bowl understand and respect the atmosphere that enables any... strong or weak, mature or babe... to yield their sacrifices unto Him.
Once again we ask that you remain sensitive to the "Two Minute Rule" so that the strongest among us do not overshadow the precious ointment within another's "alabaster box". We seek the Holy Spirit to speak, lead and guide us as only He can. For this reason, we ask that you would follow the leadership of the Prayer Moderator, as we seek to blend our worship with the varied expression He brings forth through the congregation. Finally, let's anticipate and revere His presence together as one united family.
The Bowl Front and Center
We deeply respect the fact that although we desire all to outwardly participate, there are times many of us go through where we simply need to be still. We also desire none to carry burdens needlessly that they do not, or cannot, express.
At the front and center of the room you will see a golden glass bowl set upon a pedestal. Everyone and anyone is permitted to place an anonymous prayer request in this bowl. Paper, pen and pencils are provided on tables throughout the room.
There are but a few rules which govern this sacred bowl. Anyone can place their heartfelt prayer in, and anyone can come up and take one out. Some will intercede and pray for this anonymous need publicly. Others may even have an edifying word based upon the prayer they have taken possession of. All we ask is that anyone who takes a prayer out of this bowl understands that they have a piece of another's heart and soul, and therefore a responsibility to pray for what they've taken. Should one not feel capable of such after taking a prayer concern of another we ask that it would be returned to the bowl. Harp and Bowl comes with it's unique responsibilities.
Should there be any prayers left in the bowl at evening's end (as often has), Matthias Ministries takes possession of these, and pledges to pray over each and every one. Some of the most profound and weepy moments have taken place the next day as a few of us have gathered over the remnants taken from that bowl. Through it all, God has enlarged hearts within His servants and moved in such a powerful way in these moments before Him.
A Closing Thought
When what is described above occurs, we have witnessed the Holy Spirit move in a very powerful and beautiful way in our midst. The most common response from those who experience the beauty, warmth and power of His presence during these times proves how the Lord is truly honored, and not men or the ministry of men.
Next: "Apostolic Prayers" or "Hosting the Holy Spirit Info Handout"