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The Prayer Room Musician

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To all musicians:
Please do not be overwhelmed or intimidated by what you read here. Matthias serves as a school and incubator for those who follow His call. We are all works in progress.

The following short article is given to shed light upon the importance and purpose of music within a Prayer Room and specifically the musicians EHOP seeks. Because the role of a Prayer Room musician is very different than other roles that involve the expression of a musical gift, this is a good starting point for those interested in taking part in this uniquely powerful ministry. This is also a subject that could span books, so therefore this article will serve as an overview, and not attempt to be comprehensive.


A Different Call


Some may believe Prayer Room ministry would be similar to ministering in a church setting as a worship leader, music minister or musician. Yet, while there are some ways church ministry can be preparatory toward ministry within a Prayer Room, it is the differences between Church and Prayer Room ministry models that defines the ministry requirement needed. A church worship leader’s focus is often upon the church body in the effort to lead them. It actually is the other way around within the Prayer Room dynamic. Here a minister’s focus is upon serving the Lord through being led by His Spirit in resonating to His move within the congregation. This is central to why the Prayer Room does not draw those who simply attend or come to be led and fed, but to take their interactive part in the liberty that the Holy Spirit intends for each of us. 


In simple terms the primary Prayer Room worship model is Harp and Bowl (link provided). Here, in short, the harp parallels the musical worship response to the Bowl, which is the prayer and various prophetic responses within the assembly that is gathered. Therefore, song lists and pre-preparations many church musicians are accustomed to use, tend to give way to spontaneity via a heart open to following the unction of the Holy Spirit.



Spontaneity in Following the Flow of His Spirit


The yielding of traditional music ministry preparations for the purpose of apprehending an interactive spontaneity has a way of initially scaring some musicians. None of us relish the thought of enduring our clumsy artistic moments in a public setting. Nevertheless, we’ve seen the grace and compassion of the Holy Spirit make these adjustments and natural learning curves in a supernaturally beautiful way. We must understand that those things that are in and of the Spirit must begin with steps of faith. We have also learned that if a Prayer Room is not governed foremost by love, it becomes less than that which the Lord can bless and empower. The heart for this enables the Prayer Room to apprehend our goal of being a place of true growth in the Spirit.


Finally, and equally important, is the heart to never forsake the goal of all things being done decently and in order, even as we remember that one must expect to “break a few eggs while making an omelet”. These callings to Love, Grace and Peace resist the formation of a religious spirit within the growth of our ministry. In this way, the Prayer Room has served as a learning environment for all of us. Again, this is something that promotes growth in our walks with Christ through the exchanged life He calls us to. All of this is said, and hopefully received by you, as the encouragement it is meant to be. 


Although this article is brief, hopefully we’ve shed some light on the basics of how and why Prayer Room ministry is quite different than leading a church gathering. Again, it is coming prepared in spirit and heart to musically resonate to the Spirit through what happens spontaneously within the communal gathering. Still, there is one more basic thing that must be mentioned that involves ministry among the actual musicians who take part together at various times. There are times where multiple worship leaders minister together, and because of this, we enjoy a setting that compels and teaches leaders to learn to follow and share…not only with those gathered, but between each other. It is not a place where only the strongest gifts rule. A Prayer Room may facilitate unique and unrivaled growth in Christ-like maturity in this area due to this reason. This has been absolutely beautiful to see across the ministry years of Matthias Ministries, and it has been something that has created close and enduring fellowship between many.


Finally, it bears repeating how amazingly the spontaneous unrehearsed communal gatherings described here unfold so decently, and in order, as the Holy Spirit moves as He alone can. Revelation, confirmation and a true sense of discovery are part and parcel of the flow of His Spirit. There is nothing as wonderful as watching what God alone can do outside of the best plans of man. There is much more, but for the sake of brevity it we will leave off saying that the Harp and Bowl dynamic always seems better caught than taught.


The Importance of a Clean Altar













In closing, the single most important part of a Prayer Room ministry is found in maintaining a clean altar. A “clean altar” means that at a minimum those who participate must have a genuine and intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit that is built upon a genuine personal Prayer and Word life. It is also important to understand Matthias Ministries has historically only sought to co-labor with others who are firmly rooted within their own local churches in a way that supports their own church family. We’ve long known this is the only way we can strive for the goal of having all we have to offer be in line with His Word and remain in sensitivity to His Spirit.


The Vertical is Never Acceptable if the Horizontal is Compromised


We know well that musical gifting, although beautiful, runs a very distant second to maintaining a right heart and spirit before the Lord. A mature Prayer Room minister also has the wisdom of knowing if he or she should sit out or simply rest. The vertical nature of spiritual sacrifices offered within a Prayer Room is founded upon our obedience to the horizontal commands and expectation the Lord clearly has given all of us.There are more than a few Scriptural examples of this, and one obvious example appears in red lettering within most Bibles:


Therefore, if you bring your gift to the altar, and there, remember that your brother has ought against you; Leave there your gift before the altar, and go your way; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.

Matthew 5: 23-24


We ask and believe for the Lord to truly bless that which is “bless-able”, and in doing so yield ourselves first and foremost in reverence to all mentioned within this article. We also hold ministering together alongside like-minded others as a truly great honor and privilege. We therefore find it reasonable to seek a true unity of one accord among passionate worshipers similar to what old time preachers used to term a “true believers meeting”. God’s primary directive is change…within the lives of over-comers into the image of Christ. It’s for this reason our hope is for these unique and powerful communal gatherings to increasingly manifest the plan and will of the Lord through the Purpose in His Presence.


To all who would seek to minister in EHOP we simply ask that you would pray about what is said here. Feel free to ask and respond with any thoughts or questions you may have.



But the hour comes and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeks such to worship Him.

John 4:23


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