A Short Word About Birth, Death, and Resurrection
The Beginning of Process
It has been said that the visions God places in the hearts of men will know birth, death and resurrection. This has surely been the case, repeatedly, in my life and the life of Matthias Ministries. And, I believe the reason for this is plain. Birth is merely the start of that which begins in Him. It needs to be followed by process which brings forth the purpose for it having been given. This is what we call life. Yet, God births things within us for specific reasons. To say the purpose of birth is merely to live life falls short of understanding His eternal purpose for that life He has given. There is always a specific reason and purpose for the things God births.
Putting Off the Corruptible
The death that follows life allows the passing away of what is earthy, corruptible, or of our flesh nature. Just as in the life of every person, this can be so for all manner of ministry, dreams and the plans of men. It is not necessarily the end of a ministry, a dream, our plans or a life….it is the end of such for now…and, if He desires, for here.
Death is a tool for transformation in the hand of the Lord. As we mature, we begin to trust in the fact that death is not about endings as much as it is about change. In its own nature, death is a permanent condition…unless God determines otherwise. His Word and His will are above and beyond the finality of any death.
The Unique Power
Resurrection only occurs by the express will of the Father. His power is known to us in many forms. There is creative power, healing power, power to judge, power to deliver and to save…yet, there is nothing like His power to resurrect. Resurrection involves aspects of many, if not all, of the other manifestations of His power. There simply is no greater power, and it is Father’s choice alone to divinely validate that which has already once lived. Resurrection alone reduces the finality death to the role of mere process within the progression of life.
That which experiences resurrection power is beyond that which has merely experienced birth. Father does not resurrect that which was dead to its former glory, but to a glorified state that surpasses the former. Through resurrection the redeemed is restored, transformed and perfected. Only that which He resurrects gains the new potential to be pure in its Heavenly origin and incorruptible nature.
Birth, Death, Resurrection
As it concerns ministry unto God, the birth-death-resurrection process removes any idea of man’s ownership. Despite the presence of man’s “fingerprints”, from the initial record of His handiwork, that which we would refuse to loosen our grip upon is taken from us according His loving and perfect understanding across time and process. Yet, He returns that which is taken in a fallen state of disorder and returns it without blemish. This principle is akin to “God working all things to good for those who are called according to His purpose” (Romans 8:38). There simply is no other way to inherit the more complete fullness of His intended blessing and purpose in the ministry He accomplishes through people. This all speaks to His perfect ability to bring forth and establish that which He desires in His time, in His way, and for His purpose.
Simple wisdom has said “let go and let God”. Surely the person who was quoted saying this knew something about trusting God’s process. Our ability to trust while patiently resting in Him through whatever time His process takes, is one of our highest forms of worship. He alone does all things well from birth to death to resurrection.