The first of three doors that opened early in the life of this ministry resulted in the ability to plainly write the vision in the form of the Matthias Ministries “Statement of Ministry Purpose”. The second resulted in the retention of an attorney and the legal incorporation of Matthias Ministries in New York State. The third came as a rude awakening of sorts. It became apparent that some in ministry leadership viewed Matthias as an “illegitimate apostle” because of the way the eleven Apostles selected him as a candidate to bring before the Lord.
A Stewards Snare
Sense of Ownership
At first, the birth of Matthias Ministries caused me to feel like a proud and nurturing parent. Pride can be so difficult to discern, especially when it concerns a false sense of ownership. It can cause us to feel a need to defend what is of Him, even though such does not warrant or need our defense of it. I knew what the Lord had clearly shown me regarding Matthias’ place before, and during, God’s tremendous move in the early Church. Yet, I soon came to understand that there are some who view Matthias as an error in the judgement of the other 11 Apostles.
My reaction to the quick handed judgment of some who thought the lesser of this new Apostle resulted in taking time before the Lord and the writing of the “Matthias Defense Paper”. This document consisted of ten strong arguments, rooted in Scripture and Scriptural wisdom, which made a strong case against those who would deny Matthias his rightful place among the 11 disciples. Although I readied myself to make a defense of these points with any Biblical scholar no such occasion ever arose.
The Lord had another reason for allowing me to travail over Matthias. It would one day serve His purpose in yet another unexpected and profound way after a local Pastor suggested that I travel to Kansas City Missouri to visit the International House of Prayer. He claimed this Missouri based ministry was modeling something close to the ministry vision I was moving in. I agreed, but not knowing anything of IHOP-KC I tried to rationalize and pray the idea away. Nevertheless, within two weeks unyielding conviction of heart saw myself, and close friend Gene Kline, on a flight to Missouri.
​Getting to Missouri was far from easy. We fought a NY blizzard and had a long flight on our 14-hour trek out to IHOP-KC. Although Matthias Ministries was front and center in my heart and mind, it was impossible to not wonder what God may have in store for us ahead on our journey. IHOP-KC is known for their wonderful 24-7-365 worship which never ceases, and it was a cold snowy late Friday evening when we finally arrived. Needing to find a restroom and learn where our accommodations were, we spotted one empty parking spot in the otherwise packed parking lot. A that very moment, just before pulling into that spot, a lone person exited the crowded IHOP prayer room and Gene said "ask this fellow where we can get our key". As I rolled down the car window this brother immediately leaned in with a smile and said "welcome to IHOP my name is Matthias"...simply amazing! Having had Matthias Ministries as the reason for traveling all that way, and to be greeted by the first "real life Matthias" I've known, even before our feet hit the ground at IHOP, was too much to process. I simply stared at him in semi disbelief and went blank in that unforgettably indelible "but God" moment.
​As we pulled into the parking space Gene turned to me and quoted Habakkuk 2:2
“Write the vision and make it plain on tablets,
that he may run who reads it.”
In that moment, before leaving the car and entering IHOP, it felt as if the finger of God Himself was writing upon my heart.
God Brings It All
Full Circle
The following morning on our way back to the IHOP prayer room we passed the IHOP book store. Behind the window working at the cash register stood Matthias, the young man who had greeted us the night before. I went in, said hello, and began to apologize for the strange reaction I had as he initially greeted us. He stopped me and began to tell me how he disliked His name. His parents were ministers and he said that he wished they might have chosen a different name, and I immediately understood some of the critiques this young man had heard about his namesake. It caused me to remember the "Matthias Defense Paper" I had written and that there was still a copy of it on the laptop I was carrying. I will never forget the amazing moments I stood with Matthias in that bookstore reading the 10 Scriptural truths that underscore why God's hand was upon...and remained upon the 12th Apostle. Who but God arranges such a meeting and brings someone a thousand miles to a complete stranger to speak such profound and detailed truth specific to that individual?
The vision for Matthias Ministries continued to unfold, become clearly visible, plainly written, legally established and moreover repeatedly confirmed. At first it seemed like the crossing of a finish line after a long race. In reality, it was really just the beginning of learning to wait upon the Lord in a whole new way. In spite of the fact that the vision which He imparted had never died, the ministry itself as I saw it, was about to do just that.
If you desire to understand more, not just merely about Matthias Ministries,
but about an important principle anchored in God’s heart, read on to
“A Short Word About the Process of Birth, Death and Resurrection”.
Next: "Birth, Death and Resurrection"