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The Matthias Defense Paper

The following points address the error held by some that Matthias was not a “legitimate Apostle”.



1. First and least, all commentaries and other Bible reference sources checked are moot on the point or agree that Matthias was a valid choice to be a replacement for Judas. None have been found that disagree with this choice.


2. It is a very serious and heady proposition to allege Apostolic error.

First, Peter would have to be in serious error (after an extended time in prayer). Second, the remaining ten would have then followed in serious error also (also after being in prayer).


3. The Apostles were never challenged in their decision to install Matthias by the Holy Spirit or Jesus Himself. Nor is anything contrary mentioned anywhere throughout Scripture that was written well after Matthias was installed. We are simply given no reason to believe anything contrary that would give cause to assume error.


4. Can one in any way believe that God would meet sins of PRIDE and SELF WILL along with a “tainted Apostolic 12” with the greatest gift since Jesus Himself, the Holy Spirit, given immediately after Matthias is installed?


5. Belief that Paul could have, or should have, been installed instead of Matthias is simply wrong and overlooks several things. First, it is Luke that records this important event in the historical record of Scripture. Luke was a close friend and companion of Paul and does not give any indication that they were wrong in this decision. 


6. Secondly, Peter also lays out a very clear criteria for the candidate (noting Davidic prophesy) that Paul clearly did not meet according to Scripture.  His criteria in verses 21,22 could not have been fulfilled by Paul. Though Paul may have been an eyewitness of the Lord's resurrection, he was clearly not "with them from the beginning". 


7. Jesus was the one who had originally chosen the 12, and having more than one possible candidate they leave the ultimate choice to Him once again by the casting of lots. This was just prior to the advent of the Holy Spirit, and the last time we see this method in operation it was clearly sanctioned in the Old Testament. 


8. A pattern is noticeable in this powerful season of completions being made. The vacancy within the 11 made by Judas was answered in Matthias – and immediately thereafter the vacancy left by Jesus leaving was filled in the person of the Holy Spirit. 


9. The silence of scriptures on the ministry of Matthias should not cause us to be rash in our judgements. There are many ministries that must wait for that Glorious Day to have their Kingdom labors made known. 


10. Historical records indicate that Matthias met a martyr’s death (stoned to death).



Creating false doctrine or wrongly attributing the actions of others to “the spirit of error” is akin to “calling that which is clean – unclean”. Worse yet, such can be tantamount to attributing a Divine work to an unholy source.

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