A Few Examples of Spiritual Sacrifices
1. Spirit Inspired Prayer
2. Spirit Inspired Declaration of Scripture
3. Spirit Inspired God Glorifying Testimony (referred in Revelation 19:10 as the Spirit of Prophecy)
4. Spirit Inspired Worship that galvanizes an assembly the heart and voice of one accord.
5. Spirit Inspired gifts yielded within the expression of the Worship Arts
(ie: prophetic painting, drawing, dancing, etc.)
6. The communal expression of gratitude evidenced in true Harp and Bowl worship. This is worship patterned after Revelation 4:10 through in a Spirit inspired interactive expression of Psalms, Hymns, Spiritual Songs along with the spiritual offerings mentioned above.
7. Spirit Inspired obedient acts of obedient love towards others (evangelism, intercession, and the giving of time, talent and treasure)
(The examples above are not meant to represent an exhaustive list)