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The following prophetic declaration has no known expiration date


If you are in Christ and living to read this you are both chosen and truly blessed of God .

This is said because of the uniquely powerful "end of the age" time we are living in now.

Take just a moment and consider what the next few paragraphs speak.

Jesus asked if He would find faith on the Earth at His return.

Our testimony, or lack thereof, is surely part of the answer (Luke 18:8).

Our testimony is the living declaration of His Glory touching and filling our lives.


As Jesus came to Glorify the Father, we have been created and redeemed to do the same.

The Church needs to step forward like never before in this regard.


We understand that the testimony of God’s people has been

divinely purposed to play a significant role in His Glory filling this Earth.






Matthias Ministries believes our communal gatherings and those of some local churches, are beginning to see a paradigm shift.

It is our belief that the reset and shift the world began to experience in 2020

marked the beginning of this new paradigm shift we have tried to describe.


Patience to continue the status quo that has represented the common corporate gathering is being met by a new passion for the “more” in God.

The sense that this world is in free-fall is placing a demand upon His people

to lean into a greater aspect of His sovereign Glory.


A growing remnant understands that we are called to play a greater role in glorifying Him

by increasing as the conduits of His Glory we have been created to be. 


The key is nothing short of the paradigm shift essential to our overcoming

the testimony anemia resulting from the sleepy comfort of being primarily led and fed.


The Church must, and will, rise to find her voice like never before.

Without it we will never see the realities of Ephesians 4: 15-16 or Revelation 12:11

become the actualities they are destined to be.

His Glory must, and will, manifest upon our lips like never before.


The section of this website titled “The Sound of Heaven” is a resource.

It points to and under-girds the coming paradigm shift we believe is already beginning.




Next: "A New and Better Day"

The coming paradigm shift

it has already begun

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